Hello! I'm Terri Clemmons.
I write picture books and middle grade novels. I want every child to see themselves in stories, especially children that wear hearing aids as my children and I do.
My first picture book, MARA HEARS IN STYLE, is slated for publication in spring 2024 by Beaming Books with illustrations by Lucy Rogers. Mara’s first day at a new school means she keeps having to explain her hearing aids, but one explanation leads to new friends.
My favorite activities include spending time with my family and friends, baking, rooting for Chicago sports teams, rockhounding on the shores of the Great Lakes, hiking in national parks, walking trails with my dog, and reading stacks of books from the library.
Being an author is a fulfillment of a lifelong dream. To reach that dream, I’ve read thousands of books that shaped my understanding of a good story. I wrote and revised—and revised again and again. I joined SCBWI and took advantage of many conferences, workshops, and webinars that honed my writing skills and understanding of the publishing business. I joined critique groups to get feedback from fellow writers. I received many rejection letters from agents and editors, some with encouraging words about my writing. Each one spurred me on to become better. And the most important thing, I did not give up. I knew it only takes one yes.
A Little More...
I’ve always loved reading and writing. The library and my hammock were my summer happy places as a kid, and they still are. I loved writing stories, poems, and journaling, too. Unfortunately, at some point, I threw away my childhood writing. Please don’t ever do that. I’ve also always loved school, and I still enjoy taking classes and learning new things.
In fifth grade, Mrs. Morgan read my story to the class, giving me confidence that I had a talent for writing. In sixth grade, Miss Wolf gave me an alternative assignment project that involved writing and producing a play. I’ve noticed many writers say that a teacher encouraged them in similar ways and influenced them to become writers. Teachers often say a particular teacher inspired them to go into education, too. I was inspired to do both.
My love of learning and working with children led me to become an elementary education teacher. I taught for twenty-five years and loved every minute with my students. The best reward is hearing from them about where they are now on their life journeys. My mantra to my students was to ‘dare greatly’ in life, referring to the famous Theodore Roosevelt speech, The Man in the Arena. It speaks to trying new things and risking failure. Some of my students even memorized it. I bet they can still recite it. They’re awesome like that. Having this growth mindset influenced my recent early retirement to pursue my writing dreams, ‘daring greatly’ like I urged my students to do.
And Even More...
Going Way Back...
That’s me at my grandparents’ farm. Check out that fabulous bouquet of dandelions.

My favorite elephant pants were very fashionable in sixth grade. I had yellow ones, too. And that’s my spectacular Polaroid camera at my side.
My eighth-grade school picture. Very Marcia Brady hair. The Brady Bunch television show was popular then. And not in reruns.

My three wonderful children on the first day of school back when Michael Jordan ruled the courts. If you look closely, you can see some colorful hearing aids like the ones mentioned in my book.
And One More Thing...
Gracie, the wonder dog!

If you’re still here, thank you! For your perseverance, I’m sharing a copy of my secret recipe for my famous chocolate chip caramel cookies! I wish I could give you an actual cookie, but that would be too tricky.